The episode opens with former Downtown manager Fujiwara Hiroshi acting in a parody of the new (and popular?) Tokusatsu series "妖怪人間ベム" ("Human-Monster Bem"). 主将(しゅしょう):commander-in-chief, (team) captain.Įpisode Summary:Another year, and another Gaki No Tsukai Best of 10! 餃子(ぎょうざ):gyoza (crescent-shaped pan-fried dumplings stuffed with minced pork and vegetables). Important Vocabulary:行き成り(いきなり):All of a sudden. 中村喜伸 (P中村)(Series producer Nakamura Yoshinobu otherwise known as "P Nakamura"). Guests:藤原 寛(ふじわら ひろし): Fujiwara Hiroshi, former Downtown manager and host of this episode. Gaki No Tsukai Episode #1085: 2011 Best 10īroadcast Date:Sunday, December 18th, 2011 "2011 Gaki No Tsukai Funniest Ten Episodes" Her Shichi-Henge(episode #1066) is some evidence of this, but so is her presence in nearly every Batsu game for the last several years. Kurosawa (also of Morisanchuu) is, in my opinion, the best Japanese comedienne today. I had previously seen Watanabe do her Beyonce dance on an episdoe of Run For Money, and according to her wikipedia article, she's known as the "Beyonce of Japan." Watanabe and Kurosawa make their appearances doing impressions of Beyonce and Lady Gaga, respectively. 椿鬼奴(Tsubaki Oniyakko) as the woman without hands swearing revenge on Shin Onii.

山下真司(Shinji Yamashita) as another Airline director. 原日出子(Hara Hideko) as Chiaki's bizarre stepsister. 村松雄基(Muromatsu Toshifumi) as Chiaki's step brother. Her original father is obviously Producer Suga. 目黒祐樹(Meguro Yuuki) as Chiaki's (new) father.

いとうまい子(Ito Maiko) as the third CA candidate.

高樹澪(Takaki Mio) as the second CA candidate. 比企理恵(Hiki Rie) as the first CA candidate. Most are common television drama standbys. The following is a cast list of the Cabin Attendant's tale drama parody.